Product Led Growth

What is Product-Led Growth & Why Is It Taking Off?

Product-Led Growth is a go-to-market strategy that relies on using your product as the main vehicle to acquire, activate, and retain customers. Learn how learning companies are leveraging this approach to help enable growth.
Product Led Growth

What is Product-Led Growth & Why Is It Taking Off?

Product-Led Growth is a go-to-market strategy that relies on using your product as the main vehicle to acquire, activate, and retain customers. Learn how learning companies are leveraging this approach to help enable growth.
Wes Bush
Founder, ProductLed

What Makes Product-Led Growth Unique?

Unlike sales-led companies where the whole goal is to take a buyer from Point A to Point B in a sales cycle, product-led companies flip the traditional sales model on its head. Product-led companies make this possible by giving the buyer the “keys” to use the product and helping them experience a meaningful outcome while using the product. At this point, upgrading to a paid plan becomes a no-brainer.

If you’ve used Slack or Dropbox, you’ve witnessed the power of Product-Led Growth first-hand—you didn’t read a lengthy whitepaper on the benefits of strong internal communication or cloud-based file sharing. You wanted to see the product in action!

By the end of this article, you'll discover why businesses are opting to be product-led, what it takes to become product-led and what the main benefits of product-led growth really are.

You can dive into the topic by watching the video below